Corvette C5 Ground points

Moderator: Nighthawk 2307

Corvette C5 Ground points

Beitragvon Tom untr35 » 25.08.13, 16:33

C5 Chassis Ground Maintenance
This may solve a lot of electrical problems in a C5.

Many C5’s get the infamous "REDUCED ENGINE POWER", "TRACTION CONTROL FAILURE" and a host of random failure codes. After many, many hours of troubleshooting, replacing the BCM and TAC module, you may or may not have solved most of the drivability issues. But you still might be getting the random DTC failure codes. It may be time to determine whether you are having grounding issues. If you clean ALL of the chassis grounds the car will virtually stop throwing the "RANDOM" DTC failure codes. Just moving the wires in the chassis ground connector is enough to change the indications and make the issues stop happening. But it usually is not a permanent fix.

GM C5 Trouble Desk Engineers at Bowling Green, KY have pointed out that MANY of the C5 electrical issues can be directly linked to chassis ground problems. The engineers even go as far as to recommending that you chop off the factory under hood chassis ground connectors and combine all of the wires into a single ground lug. Most of us, however, will not want to LOP off the factory connector. Instead disassemble one of the ground plug connectors and you may be surprised how corroded the connectors really are.
It is recommended that any C5 owner that has had or who are having electrical issues, examine and clean the chassis ground connectors. This may save you from needlessly replacing expensive electronic modules. Each ground connector can be disassembled and cleaned in about 20 min.

Just cleaning the metal ground connection between the chassis and the plug is only a band aid solution. Simply removing the connector to clean the connection between chassis and the connector, may change the indications and make everything work properly. However, disassembly of the chassis ground plug and cleaning the contacts inside the connector is the correct method of solving the issue!

Here are some pictures of the under hood chassis ground connector and the corrosion that can be found. Taking it apart and cleaning it is a very straight forward procedure and if you follow this recommendation, you will be on the way to solving many of the electrical issues.

Here are some detailed pictures of the ground connector and the corrosion that was found inside it!

Picture of under hood Chassis Ground connector G-101
Tom untr35
Beiträge: 1026
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Registriert: 11.07.13, 22:58
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Fahrzeug: C5 torch red

Re: Corvette C5 Ground points

Beitragvon RainerR » 26.08.13, 08:22

Sehr gut diese Info, das spart eine Menge Sucherei,

Gruss RainerR
Beiträge: 6404
Registriert: 14.07.13, 08:41
Wohnort: Dorsten-Rhade
Fahrzeug: C5 Cabrio,2001, blau

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